Sunday, April 27, 2014

It's no use

When I already set my thoughts freely ahead, their number began to suddenly grow. The first drew along a second one, and the second drew along third, naturally.

The first one was tablecloth, but a waterproof kind. Convenience and ergonomics combined. It's easy to swipe and after a month you can cheaply replace it with another one. There is not a single mark left of an accident, the memory disappears in a garbage truck taking it far away to the dumpster.

After this I thought that slipping of the glass can be prevented. Because, you see, I drank in a glass, mugs weren't my thing. Mug contempt. So the other day while in a hipermarket, I bought some rubber holders for the glasses. And so the slippery glass stays in one place, even if the hand is wet. Why wet? I don't know, maybe if I just finished washing the glass. Or if I held it for a long time in my hand, so it sweat. The hand, I mean.

One day when visiting family, I saw that my uncle makes a hole in the back of a carton. Brilliant. This way these irritating rushing of the air trying to get inside the carton cannot make a risk of spilling. So I began to make holes with scissors. To be on the safe side I bought another pair of scissors, which I kept in the kitchen drawer. After a week I attached it with a string to the drawer's handle, so I don't find myself leaving them anywhere else and become scissorless in a time of need.

But one other thing was still bothering me. The very lively image of stains on the carpet in the living room, where I liked to drink. In January I got rid of all the carpets. I gave away to my uncle also the carpets from the bathroom - in the end you cannot be sure where you would wander to with a full glass.

Ah, and the saucers. When I got distracted and drank without focusing enough, on the edge of the glass there remained a single drop. One, last, rolling nearly unnoticed, shabbily creeping down ready to finally fall. On the couch, for example, the one in front of the TV set. So I bought a set of saucers perfectly suited to keep the drops at bay.

In the evening I threw out the couch. Too much to lose.

Around Thursday, somewhere around 2 pm I rethought everything and gave up drinking milk once and for all. In the end I had way more important things on my head right now plucking the boards of the floor. If something spilled and got between them, molding freely... this would drive me mad!

It's fine now - there won't be use for crying over anything.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Understanding without words

Since the beginning of time humanity has been struggling with one main problem. Ancient Egyptians, people of Medieval Ages, citizens of the global world in the Internet Era... what we have in common? We have to COMMUNICATE, not only to exchange thoughts and information, but to actually UNDERSTAND each other. Sure, we have video calls, internet communicators, social media, but the interpersonal communication still hasn't progressed much from the ancient times.

Black screen is suddenly blinking with fast changing images of different people.
Lively, pompous music.

Our product is a revolution in actual understanding between each other! We offer you the most efficient solution in human communication since the invention of words! Spare a moment, put the video on the full screen and get ready to admire technology in the service of man!

Nobody knows man more than himself, right? But what does it exactly mean? Nothing! What counts is the perception, perception and - once more - perception! You may be the smartest, funniest and most beautiful person in the world, but if you are not perceived as one, it means nothing. Perception by others is what actually defines you in the social world! What is Jims view on Jim doesn't mean a thing if it's not shared by others!

The employers is interested only in his view of Jim, his wife knows him just by how she perceives him, and his colleagues have their own opinion made but what they have seen.

And this is what should be the main point of interest of Jim - how is he in the eyes of particular people. Do they think of him as a good or bad employee, caring husband and great lover, man of success or a screw-up. It affects the way they treat him, what he can expect from them, if everything is actually alright.

Music is getting more dramatic, builds up the tension.
The images are changing a bit slower, corresponding to the words of the lector.
Jim has wasted thousands of years thinking on what is the others view on him, guessing, asking, trying to solve this riddle from scrapes of hints. Do they lie? Do they act? Maybe it's just a temporary anger or affection? All in vain! It can give just a blurry image, auto-suggested delusions, wishful thinking or pessimistic guesses of people with low self-esteem, torturing themselves with thoughts that nobody likes them and everybody has some problem with them! It is impossible to get the complete view all by yourself!

Worry not! With new Mirror Reception System all becomes clear and easy!

Enormous logo of MRS appears in the middle of the screen.
Relieving but exciting music, feeling of tension goes away.

MRS uses brain activity scanner, implemented in your DataPad. It scans neuroreceptors of your interlocutor in no time, analyzes your view in his or her eyes, all impressions and opinions on you. In form of simple diagram or more detailed table - all dependant from your preferences.

Tables with statistics appear on the screen.

Soon, without troubling with questions that answers can not be sincere, you will be able to know what other people think of your cooking, driving or how good you are in bed! You don;t have to bother with guessing the opinions - with one click you have the truth right on your DataPad! Work on your image consiously and check the progress any time! Check if your efforts have an effect, start acting more efficiently!

If you enter DataPad codes of entire group of people, your device will return averaged statistics for a whole social groups. Learn how you are generally perceived in your workplace! All data is instant, customizable and exportable!

Human relations have never been so easy, like with Mirror Reception System! No faulty communication, misinterpretations, misleading impressions, words that are not precise enough or not honest! You don't have to worry anymore how to tell somebody something important - with MRS he or she will know exactly how you feel!

Big colorful motto appears on the screen:

MRS - understanding without words.