When I already set my thoughts freely ahead, their number began to suddenly grow. The first drew along a second one, and the second drew along third, naturally.
The first one was tablecloth, but a waterproof kind. Convenience and ergonomics combined. It's easy to swipe and after a month you can cheaply replace it with another one. There is not a single mark left of an accident, the memory disappears in a garbage truck taking it far away to the dumpster.
After this I thought that slipping of the glass can be prevented. Because, you see, I drank in a glass, mugs weren't my thing. Mug contempt. So the other day while in a hipermarket, I bought some rubber holders for the glasses. And so the slippery glass stays in one place, even if the hand is wet. Why wet? I don't know, maybe if I just finished washing the glass. Or if I held it for a long time in my hand, so it sweat. The hand, I mean.
One day when visiting family, I saw that my uncle makes a hole in the back of a carton. Brilliant. This way these irritating rushing of the air trying to get inside the carton cannot make a risk of spilling. So I began to make holes with scissors. To be on the safe side I bought another pair of scissors, which I kept in the kitchen drawer. After a week I attached it with a string to the drawer's handle, so I don't find myself leaving them anywhere else and become scissorless in a time of need.
But one other thing was still bothering me. The very lively image of stains on the carpet in the living room, where I liked to drink. In January I got rid of all the carpets. I gave away to my uncle also the carpets from the bathroom - in the end you cannot be sure where you would wander to with a full glass.
Ah, and the saucers. When I got distracted and drank without focusing enough, on the edge of the glass there remained a single drop. One, last, rolling nearly unnoticed, shabbily creeping down ready to finally fall. On the couch, for example, the one in front of the TV set. So I bought a set of saucers perfectly suited to keep the drops at bay.
In the evening I threw out the couch. Too much to lose.
Around Thursday, somewhere around 2 pm I rethought everything and gave up drinking milk once and for all. In the end I had way more important things on my head right now plucking the boards of the floor. If something spilled and got between them, molding freely... this would drive me mad!
Around Thursday, somewhere around 2 pm I rethought everything and gave up drinking milk once and for all. In the end I had way more important things on my head right now plucking the boards of the floor. If something spilled and got between them, molding freely... this would drive me mad!
It's fine now - there won't be use for crying over anything.
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